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Insurance Claims

Disaster Strikes!  Keep cool and claim on.  Leslie and Ryan talk through what to do before, during and after you file an insurance claim.

Audio Only Version

EP-53 Insurance ClaimsLife Admin
00:00 / 49:49

Show Notes & Helpful Links

Set the table

If you’re in are neck of the (very brown) woods, there is a lot of insurance filing going on so seems like a good time to cover it. 


The mechanics of filing

  • What kind of claim? Auto? Homeowners? 

  • File as close to the event as possible

  • The specific forms will depend on specific companies. Used to have to do paper forms. Now many, most even, have online submissions. 

  • All require time/date and details of what happened, best with photos or video. Take images as happens or as soon after as possible after people and pets are safe. 

  • Will want description of mitigation efforts, such as, turning off the water main for burst pipe. 

  • Details again depend upon the insurance company, but you may have a claims contact and an adjuster

    • The contact is the one you give updated info and receipts to. Schedule repairs with. This person should remind you of your deductible early on.

    • Adjuster comes out to inspect and verify the damage. 

  • Again insurance dependent, but they may have approved repair people or types of people, or they may let you get your own. Think PPO. 

  • Deductible is amount you agreed to pay before coverage kicks in. Low deductible policies tend to be more expensive. Depending on your own budget, you may have a higher deductible. You cover minor damage and insurance picks up the major damage or catastrophic loss. 


The other considerations

  • How much does many claims affect your future coverage. (A bigger deal in auto insurance but it does play.) 

  • Time of year. Is it an under your deductible claim in January or December?

  • Were you at fault for the damage? 

  • Extent of damage vs severity of damage. Weather events when everyone around you is making claims. Still file, but can your repair wait? 



Closing thoughts

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Copyright 2019 by: Ryan Taillon (site) and Leslie Loftis (content)

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