Life Admin for Toddler Parents
They grow up so fast! Your newborn is a toddler before you know it. Leslie and Ryan discuss how to set up your toddler for success in life.
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Set the table
Toddlerdom Starts about the time kid can get on the move and has the option/choices to leave parents and start self-serving desires. Those options come for a being that has few functional internal governors and no toleration for frustration. Hence the mayhem and meltdowns we associate with toddlerdom.
A few life admin facts about toddlerdom
Schedules and routines are your friends here.
Use them, rarely deviating more than 30 minutes. You will get burned.
The new family normal
Still need flexibility. For example, meals, because toddlers don’t eat consistently and they do eat in streaks.
Transportation: car seats and other issues.
Interior decor. The three foot line
Garden design
A few to dos during toddlerdom
Start teaching chores
Set boundaries and let them explore within those boundaries.
baby proofing
saying no
2 choices
Oh, the problems a little bit of food or an hour earlier to bed can solve!
Know what the meltdowns are about. Not the subject matter, but the meta: lack of frustration coping mechanisms or insecurity about new independence [discuss the clinging phase]​
Its the term for the adults still caring for children at home when their own parents care needs rise. It can be complicated, messy and a little uncomfortable. We are here to help navigate.
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