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Sandwich Generation

Its the term for the adults still caring for children at home when their own parents care needs rise.  It can be complicated, messy and a little uncomfortable. We are here to help navigate.

Audio Only Version

Ep-60 Sandwich GenerationLife Admin
00:00 / 49:49

Show Notes & Helpful Links

Set the table

Term for the adults still caring for children at home when their own parents care needs rise


  • Always been difficult, but timing used to be a little better

    • teens vs toddlers

    • cost of care and education collide

  • FIRST PRINCIPLE: to make it work, really need a 3 mile/15 minute bubble

    • traveling is inconvenient, expensive, and time consuming when speed sometimes counts

    • A smaller bubble means it is simple to involve elders in weekly (or daily) routines.

    • In general, easier to have elders move to sandwich generation who are actively earning money and raising and educating children.

  • Socialization for the elder generation is more important that commonly anticipated. Loneliness is hard all around. 

  • Research insurance needs

  • Take a realistic look at current savings projections

  • Figure out the legal details, drawing up papers with lawyers if necessary

    • medical power of attorney

    • regular power of attorney

    • advanced care directives

    • Bank and other assorted logins

  • Open up the conversation long before need arises​

66/ Mindset: Gratitude

Its the term for the adults still caring for children at home when their own parents care needs rise.  It can be complicated, messy and a little uncomfortable. We are here to help navigate.

65/ It Takes a Village 

Life shouldn't be lonely.  We are meant to be together and thrive!  Today we talk about what happened to the village and how we can rebuild it.

64/ How to Delegate

Effective delegation is a neglected skill. Circular trap. When it doesn’t quickly work, we often think it is easier to do things ourselves, which makes effective delegation more elusive..

63/ Back To School

Having now seen school from almost every angle and gotten perspective from the pandemic, I have many thoughts on what I would do differently if I had the chance. 

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